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Yellow Fever (Pitta Jwara) definition

Yellow fever is a highly contagious viral fever, the fever and vomiting, which usually is characterized by black. Plague, yellow, black vomit, bile jwara, all the different terms related to yellow fever - Yellow fever is known by different names around the world.

The jaundice yellow fever, which set in some patients, thus, due to yellowing of the skin is called. With jaundice, the hemorrhagic disease, which can lead to patient's death can cause.

Yellow Fever (Pitta Jwara) due to

Yellow fever is a viral disease. Flaviviruses responsible for producing fever virus. Yellow fever virus - small RNA known to man - has been active in the insect vector saliva. Thus, the insect needs to send it. Insect is a mosquito vector of yellow fever. Mosquito, Aedes aegypti that, Aedes Aedes simpsoni and Africa, taking with them as to the flavivirus. When a mosquito bites flavivirus healthy person, the virus is transmitted in human blood. It causes infection of yellow fever in man.

Yellow Fever (Pitta Jwara) symptoms

There are many symptoms associated with bile jwara. But the most prominent symptom is observed as follows: -

    * High temperature is accompanied by fever
    * Recurrent muscle cramps and pain
    * Headache
    * Nausea and vomiting
    * Back Pain

In some cases, the following additional symptoms are observed: -

    * Red tongue
    * Red Eye
    * Flushing

In severe cases, yellow fever can be difficult to achieve can cause serious liver and kidney. Jaundice lead to liver problems, can make skin look pale. This is where the "yellow fever" comes from the name. Hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract may be black vomit, to be sent on a regular basis causes.

Due to yellow fever (Pitta Jwara) complications

Yellow fever symptoms are usually mild in the beginning, but they themselves complicated very quickly. Yellow fever complications following key: -
(I) First, the liver is a complication. Yellow fever infection, serious liver disease that can lead to conditions like jaundice can cause. This results in yellowing of the skin and eyes.
(Ii) there can be bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. It causes vomiting. Vomiting black and the consistency of ground coffee.
(III) may have proteinuria. Proteinuria is a violation of the kidney, in which an excess of serum proteins to urine frothy and foamy is removed through the urine.
(IV), yellow fever, delirium long farce, which can be followed by strokes and commas may cause. Such complications usually result in death.
(V), low blood (hypotension) other minor complications from the stress and depression.

Yellow Fever (Pitta Jwara) transmission of

Pitt jwara is highly relevant in epidemiology. Rare disorder left the continent of Africa and South America. For this reason, the disease is a disease that is found in tropical forests is recognized as.

Yellow fever transmission should be three separate cycles. Transfer under these three cycles: -

(I) Sylvatic or forest cycle - a cycle of prime career as monkeys that are found in tropical rain forest. Monkey bite mosquito carrier of yellow fever. In other mosquito infected monkeys, and monkeys like the general population of mosquitoes through the intermediate agency between the flavivirus spread. Monkeys living in the vicinity of the infected mosquito bites people are in this cycle.

(II) intermediate cycle - intermediate cycle, virus forest savannas of Africa, such as spreads between people living on the edge. Here, the yellow fever virus enters a moderate population and small-scale epidemic might be. Both monkeys and humans infected with the epidemic spread to other nearby human settlements can.

(III) Urban cycle - urban cycle occurs when a mosquito in urban areas from rural settlements spread. This is when people from villages migrate to cities, towns or villages through travelers.

This shows that although the mosquito vectors of disease are key, they are not the majority of transmitters. Monkeys and humans yellow fever virus from one area to another giving rise to epidemics are responsible for transmission.

Ayurvedic treatment for yellow fever (Pitta Jwara)

Yellow fever actually has no treatment. People with yellow fever must only take sufficient rest and supplement the loss of bodily fluids by consuming several liquids in their diet.

Cayenne pepper, known as mircha in Hindi, with the biological name of Capsicum baccatum and Capsicum frutescens is used in some branches of alternative medicine for the treatment of yellow fever. But the effectiveness of cayenne pepper is not confirmed by medical science.

Yellow Fever (Pitta Jwara) prevention of

Yellow fever transmission is primarily through the work of the people living around or inside or next to forest. Therefore, the government-wide prevention of yellow fever begins with these areas. Basic steps to prevent the following: -

Who worked in the woods and people like lumbermen, persistent disease have been vaccinated against.
Pesticides on a large scale forest areas, the yellow fever epidemic in the history of science is.
Home and around forest areas checked are.
Stagnant water near human settlements are clean and in the appropriate pesticide spraying to kill mosquito breeding.
In some areas of the forest, people wear protective clothing while venturing out in the forest were forced.
If a person is infected with yellow fever, we should be taken immediately to quarantine people. All measures to stop mosquito bites a person should be. This will ensure that the disease through mosquito bites an infected person has not spread to another healthy.

Yellow Fever (Pitta Jwara) diet for the prevention of

A very simple diet should be taken during the yellow fever infected. In fact, the yellow fever patients either have no appetite at all can or want to eat when not hungry. For this reason, food should be easy enough.

The main components of the diet should be carbohydrates. For yellow fever, rice gruel (kanji) within the body easily assimilated as recommended. It with a dash of lemon juice can be flavored. Some cheese may be mixed with rice to make it easier to digest, as well as give it a taste.

Because there are a lot of dehydration in people with yellow fever, the diet must provide plenty of fluids. Boiled vegetable soup sprinkled with black pepper and some good breakfast, and at the same time, they are easy to digest and consume. To be fresh fruit juices, especially fruit rich in vitamin C.

All oil, spicy and sugary foods should be avoided.

Also, to meat, poultry and fish, as is appropriate to stop heavy meal, the infection is. Stick to a vegetarian diet.

Yellow fever is really a treat. People with yellow fever, only to supplement your diet, adequate rest and loss of body fluids, and should consume more fluids.

Red pepper, capsicum baccatum and Capsicum for the treatment of yellow fever in some branches of alternative medicine used Frutescens the biological name in Hindi known as Mircea. But the effectiveness of red pepper is not confirmed by medical science


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