Google Joint & Muscular Pains

Ayurveda & Cure

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       Joint and muscular pains flare up during the winter season. Ayurveda has very effective formulations to mitigate this pain.

Described below is the method of making 'Karpoorathi thailam' a famous remedy for joint and muscular pains. This oil is applied on areas of pain and massaged gently. For good results, a warm water bath 30 - 45 min after application of oil is recommended.

Though it is available in market readymade, the home made one is more effective. Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty of making the oil.

The ingredients are 1 kilogram of ajwani (Bishop's Weed), 1 litre of coconut oil and 200 gm camphor.

800 gm of ajwain is powdered. This powdered ajwain is added to 6 litres of water and boiled and reduced to 2 litres. This is called kashayam.

The remaining 200 gm of ajwain is then ground to a fine paste using water.

Take a wide bottomed pan and pour 1 litre coconut oil into it. Add the 2 litre kashayam to this coconut oil. Now add the fine paste of ajwain. Heat the mix and let it boil in simmering heat. Once you get a sort of sandy deposit at the base, remove it from stove. Place 200 gm camphor in a steel vessel and pour the somewhat hot oil into this vessel. Allow the oil to cool to room temperature. Now store this oil in glass bottle.

Now the 'karpoorathi thailam' is ready. Apply it on painful joints and muscles and massage gently as explained above.


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